Revenue Managers In The Wake Of COVID 19

The Challenges Faced By Revenue Managers In The Wake Of Corona Virus The emergence of the Corona Virus is taking its toll on lives, as well as businesses, and respite is not in sight yet. It has [...]


Phuket needs a “Mickey”

Over-tourism in Phuket – the Role of Destination management People are coming towards Phuket (Thailand) for tourism as it is considered as the prevalent vacationer destination. Do we need [...]


China the largest contributor

While outpacing the overall international average of 4 percent, China now boasts of a yearly increase of 30 percent thereby representing the highest percentage increase in search traffic. India [...]


Tourism arrivals Thailand Q1 2017

There was a 1.7 percent increase in international visits to Thailand from January to March. This was reported by the ministry of tourism and sport in Thailand. The international visits are [...]


Phuket Hotels Market 2017

With over 7.5million airport arrivals to Phuket, there was a 5% increase in the year-on-year growth rate, in 2016, moving to 18% from the previous year’s 13%. This increase is principally [...]


Hotel rates are dropping

It is quite strange that while the demand for hotel rooms increases, its cost per night keeps dropping. This phenomenon is prevalent in Thailand, Phuket and in several parts of the world. The [...]

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