Luxury hotel market, demand is slowing down!

According to Unity Marketing and one of their recent surveys, the affluent persons have started to obtain a new normal flow where luxury isn’t a lifestyle. According to this data, there is a [...]


Phuket Hotel Guests in decline

The current occupancy rate at Phuket is crumbling, especially since it’s around 40%, which is  worse than last year, and the Phuket Hotel Association officials are trying to bring in the best [...]


Hotel marketeers do you reach the Millennials?

For those in the hotel industry,  you most likely have heard about millennials, but do you know what are they and how they influence the society right now? Let’s find out! What are Millennials? [...]


Dynamic rate marketing for the hotel industry

There are many years now in which the hoteliers have continually used the traditional advertising techniques, but it seems that dynamic rate marketing (DRM) stands to make things even easier, [...]