How to Increase Your Revenue
By conducting hotel sales and marketing assessments, we teach you how to maximize your hotel revenue.
Who we are and
What we do
HMS Thailand is an expert in the field of revenue management for Thailand’s hotel businesses. By conducting hotel sales and marketing assessments we help you to understand the effectiveness of the sales team. We will work with your team to maximize your hotel revenue through better rate management, outperforming competitors, and operating a more efficient hotel marketing and sales department. We establishing revenue management guidelines to help maximize your RevPAR.
Our 4 key focus areas are:
We Share the Same Goal as Hotel Owners: Revenue Maximization
Today’s market is more educated, the generations X and Y have become accustomed to a different way of buying their holidays, which makes them smarter than the “traditional revenue manager” as they have the tools, like Metasearches and APPs, to influence the buying decision to the very last minute. HMS Thailand adapts to this in our work to provide a more dynamic pricing field that is able to react to sudden movements in demand each time a purchase is made. This allows a more dynamic pricing landscape, which has benefitted many of our hotel clients in driving strong revPAR growth.
Bas Van Straten
Managing Director
How to Beat Competition
Within your hotel business you are not alone. Identifying your competition is to first step to understand who is your competition and what is their success.
Who is Your Competition and How You Compare With Them
During our competitive analysis we would qualify your competition, identify the strengths and weaknesses and rank them in order of importance. Based on data gathered we will map your competitive field based on product, price, seasonality, promotions and offered value.
This we will match with the perceived value of their respective target market in order to benchmark your property. Based on the outcome we can determine if the current strategy is inline with the competitive landscape and where we spot opportunities and threats.
The input gathered is essential for the pricing structure to ensure a proactive approach and will be a keystone in the revenue management process.

What Markets to Attract
The hotel market is segmented in buyer groups and seller groups. Identifying these segment groups, understand their demands and needs, will give a better foundation for your overall pricing strategy.
All though the product offered looks the same, each segment has a different value perception of the product. The market segmentation is the base for good rate distribution strategy. As each seller group has a different business model (BtoC/ BtoB/ Online/ Offline), benefit schemes have to be set in order to stay competitive.
Our grass root approach will identify the market segments and make them part of the Revenue management process.
How to Set Optimized Rates
Creating the optimal price is based on various factors as supply and demand, costing etc. The hotel industry has priced its products for many years based on seasonality or mid week and weekends.
Dynamic pricing is currently needed to cope with irregular demand which is caused by the increase of online distributors and resellers in combination of new technologies as smart phones and tablets. The market has the opportunity to shop on its own convenient time and using new techniques to valuate purchases and to find the best available rate. Today’s hoteliers have to step away from seasonal pricing and use more dynamic and flexible pricing.